Our mission at The Caring Foundation of Texas is centered around mobilizing health care to underserved communities across the state. Some families experience many barriers to securing the preventive health care they need including cost, lack of transportation, and time. All services provided by our signature Care Van program are at no cost to those who qualify.

Unfortunately, we have experienced quite a bit of financial setback due to catalytic converter theft and other damage done to our Care Vans.

In the last six months, four catalytic converters have been stolen resulting in costs between $2,000 – $7,000, in which we are responsible for a $1,000 insurance deductible. We are investing in anti-theft clamps for each vehicle which will cost $300+ per van for parts and installation. Additionally, our Corpus Christi Care Van was broken into incurring $700 in damages.

We are saddened by the recurring damage to our vehicles – these are the vessels that make what we do and the care we deliver possible. The lack of compassion is discouraging, but we stay positive knowing there is also so much good in the world. We experience the good through our volunteers, donors, partners, and families we work with every day.

If you feel called to help us with these financial setbacks through a donation of any amount, we truly thank you.

Donate online here with a few simple clicks.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.