The Caring Foundation of Texas assists children across Texas and we want to ensure those we serve have a safe summer.

While you’re busy making memories to last a lifetime, keeping safety precautions at the forefront of your mind is important.

Here are some tips to help!


  • Designate a water guardian, even if lifeguards are present. This dedicated individual will actively supervise the children, ensuring their safety at all times.
  • Limit distractions. It’s crucial to fully supervise children around water. Avoid distractions like texting, talking on the phone, or multitasking in other ways.


  • Keep a bucket of water nearby to fully extinguish fireworks that didn’t go off or in case of fire. It’s always better to be prepared in case of an emergency.
  • Anyone using fireworks or standing nearby should wear protective eyewear. It’s also smart to designate a safe perimeter to keep people a safe distance away from fireworks and debris.


  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that filters out both UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen wears off, so reapply every 2 hours or after swimming, sweating, or toweling off. Don’t forget to check your sunscreen’s expiration date too.
  • Plan outdoor activities during the morning and early evening times when UV rays are less intense. This can make a big difference in reducing total sun exposure and helps you to avoid overheating.

Health education and safety is a key part of our mission at The Caring Foundation of Texas.

We wish you and your family a fun and safe summer!