August marks National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), a time dedicated to highlighting the critical role vaccines play in protecting our health. Immunizations are a significant public health achievement worth celebrating as they prevent millions of cases of diseases and save countless lives.

Immunizations safeguard not only individual health but also community immunity.

From childhood vaccines to those needed later in life, it is a key component of preventive healthcare. By ensuring that everyone stays up-to-date with their vaccines, we can continue to keep diseases like measles, whooping cough, and more at bay.


NIAM is an initiative that is close to our mission at The Caring Foundation of Texas – to immunize uninsured and underinsured Texas families by connecting them to preventive health services and education in their communities. Since 1997, the Care Van Program has provided more than 1.4 million immunizations.

This year, we have administered 8,085 vaccines and served more than 35,000 people through our services.

Misinformation can lead to vaccine hesitancy, so this month, let’s commit to sharing accurate information, encouraging conversations with healthcare providers, and ensuring immunization remains a priority.

August is the perfect time to catch up on the CDC recommended vaccine schedule if you have fallen behind. Life happens! Contact your healthcare provider(s) to get back on track, and see how we are helping in communities across Texas.